by Deb | Jan 6, 2015 | Balance, Change, Transition and Transformation, Coaching, Learning, Mindful and Intentional, Spirituality and Reflection
Burning the Old Year “So much of any year is flammable, lists of vegetables, partial poems. Orange swirling flame of days, so little is a stone. ”¦ Quick dance, shuffle of losses and leaves, only the things I didn‘t do crackle after the blazing dies.” -Naomi Shihab...
by Deb | Oct 14, 2014 | Balance, Change, Transition and Transformation, Healing, Learning, Mindful and Intentional, Spirituality and Reflection
“Any real change implies the breakup of the world as one has always known it, the loss of all that gave one an identity, the end of safety.” – James Baldwin, Nobody Knows My Name Any kind of change can be hard but the hardest changes...
by Deb | Sep 13, 2014 | Balance, Coaching, Learning, Spirituality and Reflection
If you are feeling stuck and unable to move your goals and dreams forward, you might be interested in the online course Dr. Herukhuti and I co-created entitled, Getting Unstuck and Moving Forward which will help you tap into your inner power and reservoir of...
by Deb | Sep 13, 2014 | Leadership/Leadership Development, Learning, Mindful and Intentional, Spirituality and Reflection
Speak Speak, your lips are free.Speak, it is your own tongue.Speak, it is your own body.Speak, your life is still yours.See how in the blacksmith’s shopThe flame burns wild, the iron glows red;The locks open their jaws,And every chain begins to break.Speak, this...
by Deb | Jun 17, 2014 | Balance, Change, Transition and Transformation, Connections, Spirituality and Reflection
“Want to know how rich you are, find out how many things you have that money can‘t buy.” -Kushandwisdom Two people very dear to me passed away in the last few months: Lewis Merrick and Joan King. I considered them not only dear friends but spiritual guides and...