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What is Coach Supervision?

Coach SupervisionCoach supervision is a development and support opportunity for professional coaches to deepen their practice and develop their potential.

I help coaches become masterful in their work with clients by providing them with a safe space for learning and reflection.

Coach supervision is for you if you want:

  • time and space for reflection and nourishment,
  • to explore your coaching practice from fresh perspectives and discover new ways of thinking and intervening,
  • a second pair of eyes (and a shoulder if needed),
  • to be challenged to develop your potential and be the best of yourself as a coach,
  • surface the judgments, assumptions and blind spots you hold
  • help dealing with ethical dilemmas and “difficult” clients,
  • to engage in professional development (and receive up to 10 hours of ICF CEU credits) to deepen your practice

Click here to learn about the differences between coaching, coach supervision and coach mentoring.