Interconnections: Injuries at the National and Global Level
Part 2 of the Interconnections: Healing, Reparation, and Realigment Series In Part 1 of the Interconnections: Healing, Reparation, and Realignment Series, I wrote about the way physical injury to one part of the body can result in misalignment and injury to other...
Interconnections: Injuries and Healing at the Micro Level
I continue to be amazed at the intricacy of connections both at the micro (human body) and the macro (global) levels. In my Change, Transition, and Transformation Series, I wrote about the ways our physical, emotional and mental selves are interconnected and need to...
Index of Postings
The following is an index of postings: Who Worries Ab system. Being Present vs. Being Out of Our Minds About the value of and obstacles to remaining present. Take Time to Dance This post links to a wonderful, heart-warming video. The Shoe Makers Children Go Without...
We Need Healing that Works
I've been reading Deepak Chopra's book, Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine, in which he talks about the body's capacity for healing itself. It's interesting how what he says about healing cancer rings true for healing nations. Chopra...

Repairing the Quilt of Humanity: A Metaphor for Healing and Reparation
The book, Repairing the Quilt of Humanity: A Metaphor for Healing and Reparation, uses the metaphor of a quilt to examine the ways that racism impacts all of us at the psychological, group and systemic levels. It has been described as: "A rare account of one white...
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