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I continue to be amazed at the intricacy of connections both at the micro (human body) and the macro (global) levels. In my Change, Transition, and Transformation Series, I wrote about the ways our physical, emotional and mental selves are interconnected and need to be aligned and in balance. And, I wrote specifically about how all the parts of the body are interconnected as well.

A recent experience of mine brought to mind again how injury to one part of the body eventually leads to additional injury to other parts of the body. This got me to thinking about the impact of injuries at the national and global level as well.

In my case, my original injury was the result of falling on ice last December and breaking my left elbow. It was a slight fracture so I didn’t need a cast and only had to wear a sling for a few weeks. And, since I’m right-handed, I could pretty much keep functioning. For the first few weeks, everything seemed OK. The extent of the damage wasn’t apparent until later.

During the time that my left arm was in a sling, I was able to use only my right arm. One day, as I was rotating the wheel of my car with my right arm in order to parallel park it, I got a stabbing pain in my right shoulder joint. In over-using my right arm as a result of the injury on my left elbow, I ended up tearing something in my shoulder joint (my labrum to be exact).

It gets more complicated. As a result of the injury to my shoulder, all the muscles surrounding the shoulder area tightened up. It got to the point that the area became so inflamed and tight that physical therapy had no impact on it.

So, I went to my trusty structural integration expert, Scott Baker. Scott does deep tissue massage that works on both the muscles and connective tissues in the body. Scott’s work not only helps to relieve pain but also serves to re-align the body. Scott’s work helped a lot with some of the pain but didn’t seem to be able to loosen the tightest spot on my back near my shoulder blade. Then, one morning I woke up with my neck in such pain, I could barely turn my head and went to see Dr. Lou, my chiropractor.

In my earlier story, I went to Dr. Lou and found I had to go see Scott for deep tissue massage because of the interaction between the tightness of my muscles and the alignment of my spine. In that case, a misalignment in my spine had caused tension and pain in my muscles.

In this this case, the shoulder injury caused the tightening of the muscles, which ended up pulling my neck and spine out of joint, resulting in the continued tightness and inflammation of the muscles. Talk about interconnections! So, the first injury to my elbow, which had apparently healed, left additional injuries in its wake that needed to be healed as well.

Just as our muscles and our spines are interconnected, so too as humans we are interconnected as part of the Quilt of Humanity.

Read about injury and healing at the national and global levels in Part 2 of the Interconnections: Injury, Reparation, and Realignment Series