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Part 2 of the Interconnections: Healing, Reparation, and Realigment Series
In Part 1 of the Interconnections: Healing, Reparation, and Realignment Series, I wrote about the way physical injury to one part of the body can result in misalignment and injury to other parts of the body. Total healing requires a holistic view of the body and its interconnections, rather than simply focusing on the symptoms. We need to not only heal the original injury, but repair the misalignment and additional injuries resulting from it as well.

My experience with my shoulder injury got me to thinking about the healing we need to do at the national and global levels. One obvious example is what is going on in the financial arena right now. The corporate greed that led to taking advantage of individuals through predatory lending and other practices led to massive mortgage foreclosures. That injury led to the downfall of lenders and insurers. Their downfall led to panic in the market causing tightening of credit and plummeting stock prices. Finally, what started out as fiscal mismanagement and greed here in the United States is now causing trouble in other countries as well. No nation stands alone at this point. We are interconnected financially and otherwise in so many ways.

Western culture teaches us to analyze things by breaking them up into different parts and pieces. This method of analysis, however, makes it difficult to see patterns and systems and their impact. So, just as I needed to understand the relationship between my shoulder injury and my spine, we as a nation need to become aware of the impact our actions and lifestyle have on our nation, other nations, and the globe itself; we need to see the impact we have on the Quilt of Humanity.

Read about injury at the systemic level in Part 3 of the Interconnections: Injury, Reparation, and Realignment Series