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The following is an index of postings:

Who Worries Ab system.

Being Present vs. Being Out of Our Minds About the value of and obstacles to remaining present.

Take Time to Dance This post links to a wonderful, heart-warming video.

The Shoe Makers Children Go Without Shoes Describes the way many of my clients put others’ need before their own.

The Impact of Individual Actions Describes the positive and negative impact of individual actions.

The See Saw: A Metaphor for Yin and Yang Discusses the see saw effect of too much energy and too little energy and the need to balance “doing” and “being.”

Tangled Threads and Cultural Beliefs that Damage the Quilt of Humanity About the damage that results from certain cultural beliefs and isms such as racism, classism, sexism, and consumerism.

Authentic Voices of Youth Describes my experience at a Poetry Slam listening to performers who spoke with great eloquence and heart

Fear is the Root of All Evil Explores how counterproductive and self-sabatoging fear can be

Leading Effectively About how self-awareness and authenticity are key components of effective leadership

R-E-S-P-E-S-T: Find Out What it Means to Me Examines the need to earn respect, rather than demand it

Mindless vs. Mindful Explores the need to resist the temptation of mindlessness

ABC’s Not So Easy Discusses the application of the ABCD Model

What is True Courage? Discusses true courage as being willing and able to face our fears

It’s What We Don’t Talk About Discusses America’s aversion to talking about race

Being Vulnerable = Strength and Courage Explores the strength and courage in being willing and able to show our vulnerability

Seeing and Being Seen Discusses the human desire to feel seen for who we are and have the unique gifts that we bring to the world appreciated and valued.

The Power of Intent Examines the power of having a strong, focused intention

Take a Vacation – You Need One Discusses the importance of taking a vacation to be able to work more effectively and creatively.

Why is it so Hard to Take a Vacation Explores obstacles we need to overcome to be able to take the time out we need.

Interconnection: Injury and Reparations Series This Series examines the interconnections between injuries both at the individual physical level as well as at the national and global levels.

Global Change: Barack Obama’s Capacity to Change the World Explores how Barack Obama’s actions as President can impact the world.

“Growing Young” Describes the need to take back childlike curiosity and fearlessness as we grow older.

Simplicity vs. Consumption Discusses the negative impact of this nation’s cultural beliefs in materialism and consumption.

The Magic of an Apology Explores the potential for apologies to prevent rather than create litigation.

We Need Healing that Works Compares Deepak Chopra’s discussion of invasive cancer treatment to the destructiveness of the U.S.’s intervention in Iraq

The Change, Transition, and Transformation Series A series of posts about positive transformational change.

Perpetuating and Spreading America’s Myths Examines television’s role in spreading myths about body image and success.

Why The Ocean is a Spiritual Place Looks at the way the ocean helps us get in touch with ourselves.

Violence and Its True Sources Series Explores the contexts that create violence.

The Ties that Bind? Discusses an incident involving divisions between the Nigerian members of a Catholic church and the church’s Latina and Caribbean members. It serves to illustrate the difficulties we have welcoming and incorporating differences.

Difficult Conversations Explores fears about engaging in difficult conversations and the reasons it’s important to do so.

Weapons of Disconnection and Inattention Examines the way cells phones and email have become weapons of disconnection and inattention.

Class Privilege: Local and Global Looks at the impact of class privilege both here and globally.

Stories About Ourselves and Stories About Others Discusses the difference between telling stories about ourselves, in which we create meaning for ourselves and share that meaning with others, and telling stories about others, which involves making assumptions and judgments about them.

Making Up Stories Looks at how quickly we as human beings create in groups and out groups based on the smallest of differences.

Stories as a Means to Enhance Mutual Understanding Examines the way that we can better understand each other through hearing our respective stories.

Stories As a Means to Make Sense of Our Lives Explores the importance of stories in making sense of our lives and seeing the importance of integrating the right and left sides of our brains.

Story Telling: A Space for Race Discusses how few opportunities there are for open, authentic cross-race dialogues.

The Power of One Person’s Authentic Presence Examines Barack Obama’s capacity to bring about change.

Stories and Context Discusses the importance of context in understanding the whole story.

The Power of Stories to Build Connections and Create Change Explores the power of stories to bring about connections across what appear to be unbridgeable gulfs.

Finding Balance: The Great Challenge Examines the importance of being centered internally, and in touch with our personal core values and life mission and vision, in order to lead a balanced life professionally as well as personally.

Intent and Focus: Making Things Happen: Illustrates how having a clear intention can make things happen.

Change, Transition, and Transformation for Executive Directors Discusses an ongoing learning group I facilitate for executive directors of nonprofit organizations.

New York City Executive Director’s Roundtable Describes the monthly Learning and Support Group I run for executive directors of nonprofit organizations in New York City.