by Deb | Oct 16, 2008 | Change, Transition and Transformation, Connections, Healing, Quilt of Humanity
I continue to be amazed at the intricacy of connections both at the micro (human body) and the macro (global) levels. In my Change, Transition, and Transformation Series, I wrote about the ways our physical, emotional and mental selves are interconnected and need to...
by Deb | Sep 10, 2008 | Uncategorized
For more information about structural integration therapy and deep tissue massage or to make an appointment with Scott, you can contact him by phone at: 646-246-1146 or by email at: [email protected]. Tell him Deb sent you. :)
by Deb | Feb 20, 2008 | Change, Transition and Transformation, Connections, Quilt of Humanity
Many of my coaching conversations center around difficult conversations. These are the conversations that my clients least want to have and, paradoxically, most need to have. We tend to avoid and disconnect from the individuals with whom we need to have a difficult...
by Deb | Nov 1, 2007 | Balance, Change, Transition and Transformation, Change, Transition, and Transformation Series, Connections, Healing, Learning, Spirituality and Reflection
As James Baldwin stated: Any real change implies the breakup of the world as one has always known it, the loss of all that gave one an identity, the end of safety. As we undergo change, even desired change, we do temporarily lose ourselves we lose the identity that we...
by Deb | Oct 1, 2007 | Balance, Change, Transition and Transformation, Change, Transition, and Transformation Series, Connections, Healing, Learning, Quilt of Humanity, Quilt of Humanity ModelTM, Spirituality and Reflection
When my neck was in pain, I knew that my muscles had tightened up and locked into place. According to Dr. Lou, my chiropractor, the massage had not been effective because my muscles were not the source of misalignment. Rather, the muscles had tightened up in response...