Fabulous Learning And Discovery Opportunity in Mumbai
In November 2011, I will be co-presenting a workshop on Creative Leadership with my colleague and friend, Yvette Hyater-Adams as part of the ten-day NTL Festival of Learning. It is a great opportunity for personal and professional development. The Festival was...
Feeling Stuck vs. Letting the Fields Lay Fallow
Because of a variety of challenges that had been taking place for me personally, I found myself in that scary but familiar place of transition - the place you are in when an ending of some kind has occurred, but the new beginning has not yet fallen into place....
Depression as a Gift?
I have suffered from depression on and off all my life. For anyone who has never experienced depression, it is difficult to describe. It is like having no skin to protect your emotions so that the slightest comment, thought or situation can have a huge negative impact...
Having the Courage to Express Our Fears
In my earlier post, Fear is the Root of All Evil, I have written about fear as the root of all evil. After meditating this morning, I realized that fear itself is not evil. How could it be? It is a natural instinctual response that serves as a survival...

A Clear Picture of Privilege
The other day, I left the house and realized, once I had arrived at the subway station, that I had forgotten my wallet. If I went back home, I would have been late for an appointment with a client, so I was stuck. I had about $1.50 in my purse and it cost $2.25 to get...
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