by Deb | Apr 23, 2008 | Balance, Change, Transition and Transformation, Coaching, Learning, Quilt of Humanity ModelTM, Spirituality and Reflection
In my ongoing Learning and Support Group for executive directors of NYC nonprofit organizations (in conjunction with the Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York), a recurring topic is finding and maintaining balance. One of the reasons these organizational...
by Deb | Feb 11, 2008 | Connections, Mindful and Intentional, Quilt of Humanity, Quilt of Humanity ModelTM
The very tools that are supposed to make us more productive and effective have become weapons of disconnection and inattention. Cell phones and email are wonderful when used in moderation. Cell phones can help us stay connected with our children. Email can help us...
by Deb | Feb 4, 2008 | Culture, Equity and Justice, Quilt of Humanity, Quilt of Humanity ModelTM
Two articles in the New York Times illustrate the impact of class differences and the vast economic inequities that exist both in the U.S. and globally. There is a continually growing divide between those who live richly and lavishly and those who barely make a...
by Deb | Jan 14, 2008 | Connections, Healing, Learning, Metaphors and Stories, Quilt of Humanity, Quilt of Humanity ModelTM
Since stories are the way we make sense of our lives, story telling is an important vehicle for gaining mutual understanding. It is by telling our stories and hearing and understanding their differences that we can begin to create larger more inclusive and fully...
by Deb | Jan 1, 2008 | Change, Transition and Transformation, Culture, Equity and Justice, Healing, Quilt of Humanity, Quilt of Humanity ModelTM
Part of the process of repairing the quilt of humanity involves mending the damage caused by such things as racism, sexism, heterosexism and classism, to name just a few. To be effective in this mending process, we need to recognize that the threads of races, gender,...
by Deb | Dec 12, 2007 | Culture, Equity and Justice, Quilt of Humanity, Quilt of Humanity ModelTM
A few months ago, I found myself watching the TV show, “Extreme Makeover.” This show is ostensibly about granting individuals their dreams. In most cases, the makeover involves providing individuals with plastic surgery and other procedures to change their...