by Deb | Sep 13, 2014 | Balance, Coaching, Learning, Spirituality and Reflection
If you are feeling stuck and unable to move your goals and dreams forward, you might be interested in the online course Dr. Herukhuti and I co-created entitled, Getting Unstuck and Moving Forward which will help you tap into your inner power and reservoir of...
by Deb | Dec 31, 2010 | Change, Transition and Transformation, Coaching, Spirituality and Reflection
What if you could do more than you believe you are capable of? You can, if you start with believing that you can. I know this sounds simplistic, but it is. It is simple, although not easy. If you think about it, all inventions that at one time were believed to be...
by Deb | Jan 13, 2009 | Balance, Coaching, Leadership/Leadership Development, Mindful and Intentional, Spirituality and Reflection
In the January 2009 meeting of my monthly Executive Director’s Roundtable for Women, we talked about the work-related benefits of taking a vacation. Most of the participants had just come back from having taken time off work over the holidays. They came back...
by Deb | Sep 19, 2008 | Change, Transition and Transformation, Coaching, Healing, Learning, Metaphors and Stories, Spirituality and Reflection
I want to let you know about a unique workshop I will be co-facilitating with my colleague Yvette Hyater-Adams. We are offering individuals the chance to access a forgotten source of knowing: the creative connection. We will guide participants in using story-writing,...
by Deb | Apr 23, 2008 | Balance, Change, Transition and Transformation, Coaching, Learning, Quilt of Humanity ModelTM, Spirituality and Reflection
In my ongoing Learning and Support Group for executive directors of NYC nonprofit organizations (in conjunction with the Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York), a recurring topic is finding and maintaining balance. One of the reasons these organizational...
by Deb | Apr 17, 2008 | Change, Transition and Transformation, Coaching, Connections, Learning
I run a monthly Executive Director’s Roundtable in New York City (in conjunction with the Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York). This Learning and Support Group, open to executive directors of nonprofit organizations only, is designed to provide...