by Deb | Nov 23, 2022 | Change, Transition and Transformation, Healing, Spirituality and Reflection
“And only where the forest fires have sped, Scorching relentlessly the cool north lands, A sweet wild flower lifts its purple head, And, like some gentle spirit sorrow-fed, It hides the scars with almost human hands. And only to the heart...
by Deb | Oct 6, 2022 | Change, Transition and Transformation
Would you enjoy a space to be heard and nourished, and to develop your highest potential as a coach? As a certified Coach Supervisor (a coach who helps you achieve SUPER-vision in your coaching work), I will: provide you with time and space...
by Deb | Apr 8, 2022 | Change, Transition and Transformation
Our experience of COVID and social disruptions over the last two years has left many of us feeling untethered, uncertain, fearful, and unable to move forward. Using a combination of writing, walking in nature and expressive arts, this...
by Deb | Mar 29, 2022 | Change, Transition and Transformation
“Sharing our stories can also be a means of healing. Grief and loss may isolate us, and anger may alienate us. Shared with others, these emotions can be powerfully uniting, as we see that we are not alone, and realize that others weep with us.” -Susan Wittig Albert...
by Deb | Jul 17, 2020 | Change, Transition and Transformation, Coaching, Equity and Justice, Healing, Learning
Exploring Racism Through Self-Discovery: A Coaching Group for White People I’m going to be facilitating a group for white people to provide space for us to explore our own racism through self-discovery and reflection to help...