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Customized Team Solutions

Every engagement I have with teams is personalized to meet your specific needs. I begin by gathering data to gain clarity on the current situation. My approach includes various methods such as creating tailored for online surveys, conducting interviews, and facilitating focus groups. I ensure that all collected data remains anonymous, allowing for open and honest feedback. Once I organize the data by emerging themes, I share the insights with you to design targeting interventions that achieve your objectives.

Team Coaching

Is your leadership team functioning synergistically and at peak performance?

Has your team or its leadership recently undergone transition?

Team Coaching enhances performance by building on team strengths and addressing weaknesses.

This process is designed to elevate team dynamics, strengthen relationship, and help the team reach its full potential by enabling them to:

  • Establish norms for communication, decision-making, and respectful interaction
  • Clarify roles, responsibilities, and priorities
  • Boost creativity and problem-solving capabilities
  • Foster commitment to a shared purpose or mission
  • Learn to operate cohesively as a unit

Team Building

Is your team newly formed team with members who are still getting to know each other?

Are team members more focused on protecting their individuals roles than collaboration?

Does your long-standing team need a boost of energy and revitalization?

Team Building is a dynamic, interactive process that brings team members together to foster connection, explore effective collaboration, and enjoy the journey. This experience not only energizes participants but also cultivates trust and cohesiveness. It empowers team members to recognize and leverage each other’s strengths while addressing areas for improvement.

Our 5-step process in Team Building can enable you and your team members to:

  • Develop and strengthen relationships
  • Identify, discuss and resolve challenges
  • Enhance mutual understanding and trust
  • Learn to appreciate their differences and how to leverage them
  • Experience renewed energy and motivation


I collaborate with clients to design retreats that align with their specific goals, needs, and constraints. I facilitate open dialogue to address issues and concerns, working closely with clients to determine activities and interventions that will effectively meet their desired outcomes.

I use a range of methods to collect data including:

  • written surveys
  • one-on-one interviews
  • focus groups
  • large group forums

I design tailored and customized questionnaires, and interview and focus group questions in conjunction with my clients.

I keep all the data that is collected anonymous (not attributed to any particular individual) and organize it according to whatever themes surface. I then share the data collected as a basis for discussion during the retreat.

In addition, I develop activities and interventions during the retreat designed to take the data into consideration to achieve the stated objectives.

Click here to learn about Team Transformation