Take A Moment of Reflection: Clear the Water
Do you have the patience to wait till your mud settles and the water is clear? Can you remain unmoving till the right action arises by itself?" -Lao Tzu So often when I feel overwhelmed or confused, I spend time and energy trying to think things through. However, the...

Take A Moment of Reflection: Doubt Your Limitations
"You never doubt your anger, your depression, your sadness, your sorrow, your misery; but you doubt all the positive qualities that you have. You doubt in your capabilities - You don't doubt your incapabilities. Doubt the incapability in yourself, doubt your...

Take A Moment of Reflection: Being an Authentic Leader
And in the end we follow them not because we are paid not because we might see some advantage, not because of the things they have accomplished not even because of the dreams they dream but simply because of who they are: the man, the woman, the leader, the boss...

Take A Moment of Reflection: Expand into Your Greatness
We have been raised to fear the yes within ourselves, our deepest cravings. - Audre Lorde What would happen if you had the courage to say yes to your deepest cravings and your greatest dreams? Take a moment to breath slowly and deeply, and ask yourself...

Take A Moment of Reflection: Cherish Your Dreams
The Thief Will Enter matter what plans you make, no matter what you acquire, the thief will enter from the unguarded side. Be occupied, then, with what you really value and let the thief take something less. -Rumi Do you find yourself focusing your time and energy on...
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