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27-Shaoe of Your Mind

Your mind is like water.
In whatever cup you put water,
that water assumes the shape of that cup.
In the same way, in whatever thought you engage your mind.
your mind becomes like that.

-His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

What are the thoughts in which you are engaging your mind? Are they limiting and narrow or expansive and open? Allow your thoughts to focus on your dreams rather than your fears and you will be amazed at the opportunities that open for you.

A few years ago, I told myself that I wanted to do international consulting. I went further and told myself, I am an international consultant. Within months, opportunities to work abroad came in front of me and since that time I have co-facilitated workshops on Creative Approaches to Leadership in both India and Singapore and am in the stages of planning regular trips to Singapore to co-present this and other workshops.

Open your mind and the opportunities will flow in. If you feel you are not living into your full potential and would like coaching on how to live a fuller, more expansive life, click here.