One of the things I’m good at is clearing clutter and letting go of things. Some people have trouble getting rid of or giving away things they own for fear that they might need them later. If anything, I tend to err on the side of over-clearing. But I’m OK with that.
At first, my de-cluttering process was simply about keeping my home organized and minimalistic. What I didn’t realize was that getting rid of certain things made energetic space for positive change in my life. It was a way of clearing energy that had become stagnant. I discovered this when an intuitive friend of mine held his hand over a bookcase of mine and said, “The energy here feels heavy.” Almost all the books in that bookcase were related to a career I had not practiced for over ten years: I had been a public interest litigator. I had no interest whatsoever in practicing law again but had nonetheless been holding on to all these books. I ended up going through the books and getting rid of almost all of them. After doing that, I felt an incredible lightness and openness. This was exactly what I needed, as I was in the process of starting my own consulting practice. It led to a burst of energy in which I decided on a name for my business and designed a website.
That was when I learned the power of getting rid of what is no longer serving me to make space for whatever was next. So, now I engage in clearing when I feel like I’m in a transition of some kind and need to let go of things to clear the way for what’s coming next. Whether it is a change in relationships, work, phase of life, or when I simply feel stuck in some way, I start clearing and finding things to release. I find it creates space for new ideas and energy.
Some of the work I do with clients is helping them clear clutter – clearing away old ways of doing things or old beliefs that no longer serve them and replacing them with fresh, new ways and beliefs that empower them and enable them to live more expansively.
What can you clear and release?
Thank you for this post! I am in the process of packing to move to a smaller house after living in my current house for 21 years! I have boxes and boxes of stuff that I’ve been going through and, despite having had 3 garage sales, I cannot believe how much I have accumulated! I’ve been donating or discarding a lot of stuff and I can appreciate your comment about that process bringing new energy and positivity into one’s life. I agree. I am determined not to let so much clutter fill my life in the next house!
i have made a rule for myself that i will not keep two things of same utility at home. so the moment i get new one, i get rid off earlier one.
i have learnt to let go of people whose vibes don’t match yours and having them in life is energy drain rather than happiness.
Currently i am working on getting rid of beliefs those are no longer serving me. It has opened a new horizon for me and i am seeing the world from new perspective.