by Deb | Nov 6, 2018 | Change, Transition and Transformation
“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”- Audre Lorde In the face of today’s state of the world, many women I know are either giving in to negativity and...
by Deb | Oct 22, 2018 | Change, Transition and Transformation
“I am beginning to comprehend the mystery of the gift of suffering. It is true as some have said that it is a crucible in which the gold of one’s spirit is rendered, and shines.” Alice Walker, The Long Walk Home, from Taking the Arrow Out of the...
by Deb | Sep 28, 2018 | Change, Transition and Transformation
I understand the pain of not being believed, having my truth denied and my voice silenced. Difficult as it was for me to come forward to my family, I can only imagine how hard it has was for Doctor Christine Blasey Ford to testify in front of the Senate Judiciary...
by Deb | Jul 27, 2018 | Change, Transition and Transformation
In November of this year, I will be co-facilitating a workshop with Convenor Uma Jain and co-facilitator Heather Berthoud, entitled, Single Women Across the Globe, in Jaipur, India. Our hope is to gather together single women (any women who have been single for a...
by Deb | Jun 13, 2018 | Change, Transition and Transformation
Last month, in my role as an organization development consultant, I co-facilitated a team retreat with my dear friend and colleague, Tony Bennae Richard. The team had experienced a painful and chaotic transition that left them feeling demoralized and distrustful. We...