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Self-Care and Joy

Self-Care and Joy

            “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”- Audre Lorde In the face of today’s state of the world, many women I know are either giving in to negativity and...
Who Gets Believed?

Who Gets Believed?

I understand the pain of not being believed, having my truth denied and my voice silenced. Difficult as it was for me to come forward to my family, I can only imagine how hard it has was for Doctor Christine Blasey Ford to testify in front of the Senate Judiciary...
Single Women Across the Globe

Single Women Across the Globe

In November of this year, I will be co-facilitating a workshop with Convenor Uma Jain and co-facilitator Heather Berthoud, entitled, Single Women Across the Globe, in Jaipur, India. Our hope is to gather together single women (any women who have been single for a...
Bearing Witness

Bearing Witness

Last month, in my role as an organization development consultant, I co-facilitated a team retreat with my dear friend and colleague, Tony Bennae Richard. The team had experienced a painful and chaotic transition that left them feeling demoralized and distrustful. We...